613-406-6415 info@rideauelevator.ca

The leaves have yet to fall and mark the end of a summer with very unpredictable weather in the NCR. As autumn approaches wouldn’t it be nice to have a little more predictability with your elevator service?

Here are the 5.5 ways you can tighten the screws on your ongoing facility operation from the viewpoint of our industry:

1) request that preventative maintenance on your elevators be done at slow times during the day. Nothing frustrates people more than unnecessary inconvenience.

2) ensure replacement of parts is undertaken with at least 3 weeks notice to you. Too often components are left to “run until failure”. That’s no good for you, or your elevator. You don’t expect the downtime, and most companies cannot supply manpower at the drop of a hat because repairs were not planned and instead, left for chance. Most people wouldn’t drive their car until their tires were bald or the engine caught fire. To protect their investment, one would reasonably do better than the minimum requirement.

3) request an inventory of the parts on site. Doing so will ensure a faster fix when elevators malfunction.

4) implement a “check-in” procedure for all service calls. That way building staff can inform the technician of key information relating to elevator performance prior to breakdown.

5) Demand a quarterly review of maintenance deficiencies and service calls as noted by your contractor in the logbook. Remember that documentation of all activity is a requirement by code. A meeting of this nature will allow you and your contractor  to look back, in addition to planning future service repairs.  Repeatedly reviewing short term operational efficiency is a great way to inform your life cycle planning process.

5.5)  Ask that you be made aware in advance, of personnel changes as they relate to your building. Too often customers feel like they see a different technician with the same uniform logo.

***special notice: the TSSA directors order relating to single speed machines has been rescinded and a new order has been issued. If additional costs are being proposed, confirm them with us.

There you have it, 5.5 ways you can make your elevator world more predictable.