613-406-6415 info@rideauelevator.ca

Happy early winter Ottawa!

Put your winter tires on (if you can), give yourself double the following distance while driving,  and make sure you have an emergency kit in your vehicle.

Winter driving in our city can present challenging situations to navigate.  We must trust our abilities and our equipment, to make it place to place safely.  Elevator service shouldn’t be as unpredictable as the weather, and you should be able to trust your service provider to keep your elevator safe.  

Safety regarding elevators has much to do with doors, opening, closing, and contacting passengers.  During the winter months, it is important to prevent stones, slush, rocks, and salt from getting lodged in the door tracks, which can prevent doors from closing and eat away at material.

Many of the large elevator companies in our city are touting the customer benefits to elevator service delivery technology.  In simpler terms, what they are saying is: “our computers permit us to spend less time in your buildings and communicate less.

As the holiday season approaches, advise your elevator maintenance company in writing of specific dates when work can or cannot be performed.  

Additionally, schedule the service visits around your busy time to avoid passenger/staff disruptions.

5.5 reasons the big companies are like the Grinch:

  1. You need a service team and they won’t give you one. (even though you pay for it)
  2. They withhold services until invoices are paid
  3. They increase your payments without notice and reduce service
  4. They withhold information critical to the operation of your building
  5. They prevent you from cancelling an agreement they themselves have not lived up to.
    1. They tell you a computer system will allow them to provide you better service.