613-406-6415 info@rideauelevator.ca

We are working in a time when customer service matters. When more and more services, processes, and product acquisitions become automated, we still want to experience quality customer service when spend our money.  

Here are 5.5 things to consider when evaluating the service technicians that set foot in your buildings:

  1. Are they courteous & respectful while they are on your property?  The service technicians in your buildings are interacting with your tenants, clients, and staff.  Are they doing it in a way that improves your service delivery in the eyes of your clients?
  1. Do they update you or your staff on their arrival?  This is important, especially in the emergency services industry.  At a minimum, you need to be made aware of arrivals, and departures if it is crucial to the operation of your facility.
  1. Do they clean up after their work?  What may be considered an afterthought, can be an ongoing problem with service providers who do not care about your facility as much as you do.  
  1. Are they conscientious? Do they care to do a task well, and be responsible to others? Often disguised as work ethic, or “being responsible” being conscientious is a day-to-day commitment to do good work and leave something better than you found it.  

       5) Do they communicate problems & solutions in a way you can understand?  Often, elevators and other building equipment is complicated.  Solutions can be contingent on lead times, and parts availability;  and the problems can be complex.  These realities are not an excuse to leave a building without properly communicating a plan of action.  

  1. Do they make you feel like you get value for your money?  If you answered yes to the above 5 points, you likely feel that it is “worth it”.  Too often in our business, we see that the headaches felt by clients are not worth the savings they see with low-cost providers.  

All things being equal, the soft skills may be the ones that differentiate your overall building experience for your tenants & customers.  The next time you are wondering what is going on with your building life safety systems, it may be a sign to consider a better service option.

There you have it, 5.5 qualities to look for when evaluating service providers for your buildings.
Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for the next issue of “Elevate Your Knowledge” from The Team at Rideau Elevator Services.

phone: 613-406-6415